alex royal diet

Rocking the Daisies…Diet Danger

Guys, we are packed and ready for Rocking the Daisies…but don’t think I haven’t forgotten to send out a few tips for those of you joining the madness…

Pack a Snack…or a couple….

  • Dried fruit
  • Nuts
  • Provitas + peanut butter (yum)
  • Apples and bananas
  • Fruit juice
  • WATER!!!! Don’t forget! Hydrate!

Eating at the Daisies:

  • Keep it fresh and healthy! there are great options available – from salads to sushi to veg burgers.

Quenching the thirst:

  • Yes, water water water! It will become your best friend…hydrate to prevent hangovers! VITAL!
  • If you drink alcohol stick to one type of drink and limit to two drinks…Mix with low calorie options like soda water

Dance, laugh, jump around…you’ll have an amaaazing time and burn calories at the same time 😉

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