When you have hit a really bad place, pretty hard,you realise how lucky you are to have the simple things in life. Simple and basic – being happy enough to smile and laugh. But when you are blessed with such a full and happy life, after being empty, you become filled with so much inspiration that you want to explode and hand a piece to everyone you know and love.
I hit a rock bottom so hard that I bounced. I remember thinking that it was better to bounce than to stay on the bottom (eternal optimist…nope, just surviving). But the amazing thing is that I knew I was going to be okay, I just knew.
After a few long months of being unemployed I now have the most amazing job in the entire world. I chopped and changed careers and worked as hard as I could to get here. Now I have my dream job and appreciate every second of it. I started up my own Practice and have a brilliant clinical job, which challenges me and keeps me learning.
My family and friends have been my everything. Words cannot explain how each and every one has guided me through. Love and care has cushioned my fall. even when you pretend to be strong and not ask for help, their presence is what will give you the extra strength that you do need.
Healthy Eating and Exercise are the two keys things that I could physically do to help myself. embrace that endorphin rush. Make sure you exercise every day and fill your fridge with fruits and vegetables.
I now sit as a complete and full person, ready to embrace my new adventures and happy life. The beautiful thing is that I have realised that this happiness which I have created has motivated me in such a massive way. So that is why I wanted to share this story with you…If you have a down day or sad time, you will get through it…If I can You can. And you will reach the stage where your happiness and motivation for your life, your career, your health and those around you will give you goosebumps! Now that is an amazing feeling – you are a fighter, strong and courageous and have emerged unscathed (or scathed but stronger and wiser).
Remember that Big Risks Come with Even Greater Rewards. Hold onto that idea of the reward (all shiny and sacred) because the path is dusty and bumpy!
Good luck to all the fighters out there…