alex royal diet

Fat trap in metal bird

Flying 30 000 ft above sea level many of us are faced with our first healthy-eating obstacle…the plane. What to eat? What’s healthy? What’s even available with the amount of cash you can scrape together?
Plane Food
As I page through the in-flight magazine and peruse the menu I am reminded of how hard healthy eating actually is. Our options include chocolates, crisps, peanuts, biltong, cheese boards, fizzy cool drinks (aka the devil) and sarmies. These are all laden with refined sugar and saturated fat (great for my recently tested sky-high cholesterol, excuse the pun haha)! The scary thing is that people actually eat this stuff…and loads of it. Two packets of fritos for the guy next to me, followed by a coke! That’s a whopping load of fat and calories lining that belly.
So my solution:
1. Think ahead, buy snacks before you get to the airport or at the Woolies before boarding
2. If you want a snack opt for a fat free or low fat yoghurt and a small packet of dried fruit.
3. If you want a meal….the best option is the Moroccan chicken and couscous. Otherwise a Roast Chicken and salad sandwich is always a winner
4. And always get yourself a water! No fizzy cool drinks!
Woolies Yoghurt
I hope this helps with your first holiday obstacle this Easter time!
Keep posted for more….Hope you have a happy and healthy Easter xxx
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