alex royal diet

Consciousness Life Coaching…my way forward

Sometimes I can condense things. And I am fast between things. No time to waste…quick, quick, quick. Even my sleep is fast. In between working two jobs, writing my blog and articles I have now decided to train for this little event called the half IronMan. Maybe too “quick, quick” right? Yes, right. I hit a speed wobble and was getting ready to come to a sudden crash; then my usual response…”but there’s no time to wobble and crash”. Let us stop and realize how daft I am. Crazy!
Thank goodness I was introduced to Conscious Coaching. It works on the notion of consciously choosing your each and every action and response to events in your life. I think of it as a way of controlling your emotions and understanding your thoughts. It helps you direct your life in a healthy, productive and efficient way as you are taught to compart-mentalise all aspects in our stressful lives. I am able to prioritise my life.
My coach is amazing; she can calm my rattled rambling into a hum. She can make sense of my mixed emotions; she uses a series of sessions and activities that clear my mind and allow more efficient focused thoughts to run freely and easily.
I am now able to do things at 100%. If I work, I work HARD. If I chill, I chill HARD.
I visualize positively and I have reaped amazing positive results.

My secret key to juggling is certainly Consciousness life coaching with Pauline Holden.
Other benefits include improved confidence, effective communication, more efficient goal setting and attaining them….the list is endless….


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