alex royal diet

Trail Running

Fueling the Fire…Post-event Recovery Nutrition

Post-event nutrition is a sensitive science that you really need to focus on.  If done correctly it can: provide the muscles with building blocks to develop. Allows the glycogen stores (Carb stores) to replenish. This is the energy supply that you need for overall recovery, for the next race and to prevent muscles being “eaten …

Fueling the Fire…Post-event Recovery Nutrition Read More »

Jonkershoek Mountain Challenge…no turning back now…

05h10. Wide awake after a mere 5.5 hours of broken sleep. Nerves mixed with excitement. Like a kid on Christmas. Only one that fears that she’ll discover Father Christmas isn’t real. Eeeek! So I’ve checked the compulsory checklist…and I’m checking it twice. If I forget anything the nerves, 300 buck entry and 45 minute drive …

Jonkershoek Mountain Challenge…no turning back now… Read More »

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