Banting (aka the Tim Noakes Diet) comes with some health benefits…HOWEVER this is only true if you do it CORRECTLY. If you do it half-heartedly you will be increasing your cholesterol and blood sugar, and even gain weight- all of which will drastically put your health at risk.
So here is a list of the main points…
1. Banting is named after a man called William Banting in the 1860’s, who lost extreme amounts of weight by cutting out carbs and eating a high fat diet.
2. Tim Noakes has rediscovered this way of eating and noticed that it has helped him control his blood sugar and weight.
3. Banting is high fat, low carb and medium protein.
Cutting down on carb causes the brain to start breaking down fat as an alternative energy source. This is called ketosis.
4. Ketosis causes loss if appetite thereby reducing energy consumption…and ultimately weight loss.
5. High saturated fat is likely to increase your cholesterol. However if your blood sugar control is perfect and your carb intake is low then your risk for heart disease isn’t necessarily higher.
6. This diet is not for everyone- if you are insulin resistant and if it suits you to cut out carbs and to increase your fat intake then great, if not please don’t pick and choose the principles that suit you.